This is the Friends of Meadow Parent Teacher association page (or FOMPTA for short)
This page will give you information about what FOMPTA do, events that we will be running, the date, time and location of our next meeting and let you know how we are spending the money that has been raised to benefit your child.
If you would like to be involved in FOMPTA then please come along to one of our meetings or leave your details with the school office so that we can contact you. You can help as little or as much as you like, some members help at one or two events while others attend all meetings and events. However you choose to help is valuable and we look forward to meeting you.

FOMPTA Constitution
FOMPTA Constitution

FOMPTA newsletter October 2023
FOMPTA newsletter October 2023

FOMPTA newsletter March 2022
FOMPTA newsletter March 2022