
Mrs S Curtis 


My Interests:  I love spending time with my family; my husband and my two teenage boys.  We all enjoy running and take part in the Chester Parkrun every Saturday. I'm also part of the volunteer team too.  I've run quite a few 10kms races over the years but never quite managed a half marathon yet.  We're quite an active family and also enjoy walking, climbing, mountain biking and skiing, generally with our extended family.  

I have a labradoodle called Dillon and three cats called Fred, George and Mabel. 

I love reading and have been part of a bookclub for over 10 years.  We meet monthly and go away each year for weekends.

Fun fact about me: In 2012 I cycled  over 500km across Rajasthan in India for Cancer charities.  

Mrs J Evans

Deputy Headteacher

My interests: I love the Arts, particularly musical theatre, ballet and singing.  When I was younger these were my main hobbies and I love to still practise dancing and singing with my two young daughters who also have these hobbies. I spend lots of my time supporting them and love volunteering to help with dance shows and competitions.  I really enjoy spending time with the school choir and think the sound of a children's choir is truly magical.

 When time allows my family like camping, bike riding and being at the beach. 

Fun fact: When I was at school, my friends and I spoke a made-up language called iragooaragoo.  We spoke this so our brothers and sisters didn't know what we were up to!

Mrs R Hounslow

Assistant Headteacher

My Interests: I love spending time with my family;  my husband, son  and step-son. We have a dog called Simi, who many people think looks like a wolf. Lots of my spare time is taken up with taking Simi for long walks - he particularly enjoys going on the beach and playing in the snow. I also enjoy keeping fit, but my favourite pastime is eating out. I also love going on holiday.

 Fun fact: When I was younger I used to enjoy Irish dancing and even won medals for it. If Riverdance had been around a bit earlier I could have had a totally different career!!

Mrs S Olubodun

Assistant Headteacher

My interests: I love spending time with my family, including our dog. We are blessed with a huge extended family and love it when we get together with my children's 15 cousins and their aunties, uncles and grandparents. I love playing netball (I play Centre), and learning about the world and its people. I used to work supporting Refugees and learned a lot from them.

I love holidays and travelling, from camping in Wales to enjoying sunnier climates. One of my favourite memories is drinking fresh coconut water in a rainforest in Ghana.

Fun Fact about me: I was the arm-wrestling champion of my Primary School!

Mrs M Jackson 


My interests: I love going for walks with my husband and children. We enjoy days out together as well as snuggling up for PJ days! 

 I have recently joined a ladies' softball team which I love. I am lucky to have completed 2 half marathons, but I think I will hang my running shoes up for now! 

A fun fact about me: Ducks are one of my favourite animal and I have shared a flat with a baby duckling while I was at University!

Miss S Hinton


My interests: I enjoy spending time with my friends and my son who also went to Meadow, and is now in High School. When I'm not being a taxi driver for him and his friends ferrying them to various sporting activities,  I enjoy going away for weekends and finding new places to explore. I trained to be a teacher here at Meadow 9 years ago and loved it so much I never left!