RE at Meadow
Religious Education is taught to all year groups across Meadow following the Cheshire West and Chester agreed syllabus. We use an enquiry-based approach where children are actively encouraged to be curious, ask questions and put forward their own thoughts and opinions.
Children explore beliefs, practices and values that shape our world today. Religions and world views explicitly studied include Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Humanism and are supported by our SMSC themes including ‘No Outsiders’.
Lessons use a variety of stimuli including: stories, artefacts, ‘Philosophy for Children’, films, music, and visual arts. These stimuli are used to promote discussion and curiosity about big life questions, different beliefs, and what it means to be human. Using this approach, children are given the opportunity to explore their own developing values and belief systems and make comparisons between belief systems.
Children respond to questions and stimuli in the form of writing, art, discussion, role play and group activities. These are recorded in workbooks or using digital media. Learning is enhanced by visiting local places of worship in our community and by visitors to the school.
Using a broad range of approaches, children are able to develop a sound knowledge of world belief systems, as well as develop a confidence to express their own points of view. Lessons aim to support children to develop positive attitudes of tolerance and respect towards people of all faiths and none.
*Parents have the right to withdraw from all or parts of the Religious Education curriculum.
Please contact the school if you wish to enact this right. *
Subject Lead
Mrs Jodie Spencer
Intent, Implementation, Impact

Curriculum Overview
Progression of Objectives

End points at each stage of learning.

Vocabulary Ladder
National Curriculum Links

Pupil Voice
Year 4 explored what Jesus taught about prayer in The Parable of The Friend at Midnight. They did some drama work and a Philosophy for Children session.
Father Anthony talks to Year 6 about Worship at St John's.
Year 5 learn about Islam.
Year 1 visit Hope Farm Methodist Church and learn about Baptism.
Year 5 explore the five pillars of Islam.
Year 3 had a wonderful visit to Abdullah Quilliam Mosque and Liverpool Cathedral. They learnt about and compared Muslim and Christian worship.
Reception learnt about Hinduism and the festival of Diwali They designed and made their own Rangoli patterns.
Jesus Calms the Storm
Year 3 studied several paintings of Bible stories by artist John August Swanson. They created this painting about a Bible story they had read, in response to the enquiry question: 'How is art used in the Bible?'
The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Year 4 explored this parable through drama in response to the enquiry question 'What did Jesus teach about pride and humility?'
Additional Activities to Support Learning