Year 3

Mr T Arnold

Teacher (Australia)

My Interests: I enjoy spending time with my family and my dog Betty, doing a wide variety of activities. You can often find me on a kayak, a paddleboard or a mountain bike in the local area and beyond. I often visit my family in Cornwall for summer holidays, where I spend my days surfing the waves and eating the pasties. I enjoy playing rugby and support the mighty Sale Sharks. I also love other sports such as Football, Cricket, Basketball and F1. I am new to Meadow this year, but I am enjoying meeting the lovely staff, the incredible children and the supportive families that make Meadow great. 

Fun fact: I am a qualified Ski Instructor and taught in Japan where the average temperature was -20ºC! Interestingly, I learnt more Mandarin than Japanese when I was living there!

Miss B Parker 

Teacher (India)

My interests:  I love going on long walks with my labradoodle dog, Max. I enjoy spending time with my family and friends. I have been a teacher at Meadow for 5 years and have been to Year 2 for the past 3 years.  This will be my first time in Juniors this year but I am looking forward to the new challenges ahead!

I love being a teacher and help children grow and learn everyday!

A fun fact about me: When I was in Year 4, I won the ‘Stars in Their Eyes’ singing competition. (Unfortunately, I now can’t hold a tune unlike my 8 year old self!). 

Mrs L Beckett

Teaching Assistant 

My interests : Spending time with my family is my favourite thing to do. I have two children, and a dog called Olive.

My hobbies are anything that my children want to do, I love taking them on days out to the zoo, to crazy golf or for a nice muddy walk.

Fun fact: I love sharks and have swam with the sharks at the Blue Planet. My dream is to swim with Great white sharks in Australia.

Mrs P Ward

Teaching Assistant 

My interests: I love spending time with my family which includes my husband, my 2 children as well as our 4 pets:  Loki, our English Cocker Spaniel, our 3 cats named Oreo, Coco and Seb. I live locally and I am sure lots of you will see me out and about, walking for miles and miles with Loki, burning off some of that Spaniel energy.

I love to bake and to swim as regularly as I can. I also love to visit the Lake District where Mia and I will walk and climb mountains with Loki.

Fun fact: in 1984, I was a runner up in a National Blue Peter competition and I received my Blue Peter badge. I had to design a garden for the International Garden Festival in Liverpool.

Mrs L Stewart

Teaching Assistant 

My interests: I love spending time with my family of a weekend and catching up with friends. I enjoy nature and being outside and I also like doing my bit to help the environment by being eco friendly. My happy place is baking a nice cake in the kitchen and then eating it all up. I read lots of books and like to watch environmental documentaries.

Fun fact about me: I was born with bright red hair so my sister said I looked like an orangutan as a baby.

Mrs J Dunmore

Teaching Assistant 

My interests: I have 3 grown up children who I love spending time with. I also have a baby granddaughter - who I think is my own baby. I love to socialise with my friends, I enjoying walking and like to read whenever I get chance. I have a huge interest in shopping - which is an expensive hobby but one I really enjoy. 

I have been a teaching assistant for about 15 years I find it fun, interesting and rewarding . 

Fun fact about me: I can recite the alphabet backwards underwater and I’m a great joke teller

Kim Edwards

Teaching Assistant

My interests: In my spare time I love to spend time with family and my fiancé going for walks! I also enjoy reading books and walking! I am also currently doing an open university course which keeps me busy.

Fun fact about me: I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters so I’m one of 7!!

Mr M Booth 

Teaching Assistant