Miss R Holman

Teacher (Butterflies)

My interests: I enjoy spending time relaxing with my friends and my family. At the weekend I enjoy playing sports including: hockey, netball and tennis. For the last 2 years I have lived and worked as a teacher in Abu Dhabi which was an amazing experience and now I am living back on our family farm in Cheshire.

A fun fact about me: I have completed the 'Three Peaks Challenge' in 24 hours twice for charity!

Mrs M Jackson

Teacher (Ladybirds)

My interests: I love going for walks with my husband and children. We enjoy days out together as well as snuggling up for PJ days! 

 I have recently joined a ladies' softball team which I love. I am lucky to have completed 2 half marathons, but I think I will hang my running shoes up for now! 

A fun fact about me: Ducks are one of my favourite animal and I have shared a flat with a baby duckling while I was at University!

Miss S Hinton

Teacher (Ladybirds)

My interests: I enjoy spending time with my friends and my son who also went to Meadow, and is now in High School. When I'm not being a taxi driver for him and his friends ferrying them to various sporting activities,  I enjoy going away for weekends and finding new places to explore. I trained to be a teacher here at Meadow 9 years ago and loved it so much I never left!

A fun fact about me: I am extremely clumsy and have broken my wrist 5 times!

Miss J Hair

Teaching Assistant

My interests: I am a fan of lots of different music (grew up dancing to Top of the Pops on Thursday nights). I love my weekend 'kitchen discos', as I can dance, sing and cook along to all my favourite tunes.

 I have 3 beautiful, crazy sons, who, of course, I love spending time with. We like watching films together, especially the Marvel and Star Wars Universes. We like to watch documentaries on TV, in particular Science and Space ones.

Finally I have been a TA in Foundation stage for 7 years and have so much fun, I think I have the best job in the world!

Mrs J White

Teaching Assistant

My interests: I love to spend my spare time with my 3 children. The two eldest are now in high school and my youngest currently attends Meadow and is very happy. I love to go and watch mine and my boys favourite team Manchester United. I have been a TA for just over a year, Meadow being my first job and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love to watch the children learn and grow and building special relationships with them all.

Fun fact: from the age of 5 I had a pony called “Zoe” together we won lots of gymkhanas, we were the best team and the best of friends

Miss T Wright

Teaching Assistant

My interests involve meeting up with my family and friends. I love listening to music, eating, going on new adventures and being out in the sun! 

I currently have a little boy who also attends Meadow. He is the cheekiest boy I know, he taught me who I wanted to be in life and has made me the person I am today. We are always going on adventures, making different crafts and you might find us train spotting on your travels. 

I've worked in child care for 12 years my favourite part of my job is watching the children's personalities grow and seeing them achieve their personal goals.