Administration Staff 

Mrs R Andrews

School Business Manager

My interests:I love spending time with family and friends; my husband and 2 sons and our dog (a Westie) Elvis.  We like to be active; my husband and eldest son are Olympic Weightlifters, my youngest plays football and I run.  

We have a caravan and try and get away when we can and love to be anywhere there is a beach as the boys and furbaby love the sea.  Devon, Cornwall and North Wales are firm favourites.

When I have a quiet moment, I absolutely love to read or learn a new craft.  I tried to teach myself how to crochet over lockdown but I just could not get the hang of it.  I'm in awe of anyone that can!

A fun fact about me: When I was younger, I did a bungy jump in New Zealand.  It was a cliff top jump; 154 foot into the Waikato River.  I loved it!

Mrs S Watson

Admin Assistant

My interests: Since starting at Meadow in 2011, when my Daughter was in Foundation, I have been a Mid Day Assistant, trained and qualified as a Teaching Assistant and now work in the office. 

My family are the most important thing to me and I love spending time with them and socialising with my friends. 

I love to travel to different countries and experience other cultures.  My favourite trip was to Lapland, where we got to drive a Husky sled and ride a snowmobile. We even we took a sleigh ride to meet Father Christmas! 

I love visiting the seaside and beach in Wales, where I spent some wonderful childhood holidays.

My hobbies include, walking, reading and sewing. I love a binge watch on Netflix with my family. I also love helping people and can often be found doing DIY and fixing things. 

Fun fact about me: When in the studio audience of ‘Sam and Mark’s Friday Wind up’, with our children, my friend and I took part (not very successfully) in singing Karaoke and it was shown on TV!!

I learnt to swim when I was 35, it’s never too late! 

Mrs J McKenna

Admin Assistant

My Interests: I live with my husband and teenage daughter and our enormous cat (Elsa) - she likes to rule the roost!  My stepson has flown the nest, and is now a Firefighter in the Search and Rescue team in Merseyside

When I am not at work, I am either planning or going on holidays– we love to travel, and we have been to some amazing places already.

Before working at Meadow, I was a Parent Governor and also co-chair of the PTA, so I feel I have been a part of the Meadow Team for a lot longer than I have worked in the office here.

In my spare time, I can be found shopping, spending time with my family, catching up with friends and eating out.

Fun fact about me: I used to be a holiday rep and was baby spice in the reps cabaret!

Mrs C Bowker

Admin Assistant