Year 2

Miss L Hickey

Teacher (Badgers)

My interests: I love to go on walks with my three dogs exploring the countryside. When I am not at the gym, I enjoy going out with my family and friends for food and drink (lots of food). I love to travel around the world and I'm excited to spend my summer in Thailand exploring different cultures and experiencing new climates. I am new to Meadow this year but am really enjoying getting to know all of the incredible staff, children and families which make up the positive school community.

A fun fact about me: When I once worked at Chester Zoo, I was the first member of staff to feed the newborn Baby Giraffe. He was born at 12:04 a.m. and I still remember his little face till this day!

Mrs K Inglis

Teacher (Foxes)

My interests: I love to spend my free time with my family and friends. I can often be found enjoying long walks with my husband, son, daughter and two dogs at my favourite place, the beach. When I’m not enjoying the fresh air I enjoy spending time with my head in a book. I make time to read everyday and enjoy reading on my own or sharing stories with my children. I am new to Meadow this year but am really enjoying getting to know all of the wonderful staff, children and families which make up the school community.  

A fun fact about me: My dad used to be a dairy farmer and I was never more at home than when in my wellies helping feed the calves. When I was younger, I won many prizes for showing calves at agricultural shows and once slept in a cowshed overnight on a bed of straw. 

Mrs L Frodsham

Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

My Interests: I love spending time with my family and friends; my husband and two boys.  We have two Cavapoo dogs; Teddy and Bella. We love taking them on long walks especially in Wales. During the weekends I spend the mornings watching the boys play football followed by long walks, kayaking or paddleboarding in the afternoons. 

I love going on sunny holidays especially to Cornwall. We love to surf and bodyboard in the Cornish waves followed by a delish cornish pasty on the beach. We also enjoy camping with friends, especially sitting by a campfire toasting our marshmallows in the evenings!

My interesting fact: When I was younger, I spent the day waiting outside Manchester United's training ground in the hope of meeting some of the players. After waiting for 6 hours, I finally met David Beckham and Eric Cantona! I even had my photograph taken with them and they kindly signed my Shirt, which I've still got today!

Mrs C Clarke

Higher Level Teaching Assistant 

My interests: I love visiting new places with my family and spending time together. I am a member of the zoo and I love the outdoors and exploring. I enjoy travelling and I am always  looking for new adventures.

Interesting fact: I have been on a camel ride in the Sahara, swam with dolphins and have been kissed by a reindeer.

Mrs L Woollard

Teaching Assistant

My interests: Having lots of fun with my family is my favourite thing to do. I have three young children and a cocker spaniel puppy, called Waffle. 

We love being active and spend our weekends and holidays walking, cycling, kayaking, skiing and swimming. We love to travel and have a touring caravan, in which we have lots of adventures. I like to read and can often be found in the local library, filling up my bag with books. I also love to bake all sorts of yummy treats for my family and friends. 

A fun fact about me: I have an old car, affectionately named the 'Turbo Bus', in which we have driven to 15 different countries across Europe. Our longest Turbo Bus journey was 1260 miles, from Croatia back to the UK!

Mrs S-J Wharton

Teaching Assistant 

I have two children, a girl who is in high school and a boy in primary. I have been a teaching assistant for a number of years now and absolutely love it! 

I decided to be a teaching assistant after having my own children and taking them to lots of play groups, where I often helped out and we loved going.  It was so much fun and so lovely meeting lots of new people and their children. 

Fun fact about me : I always wanted to be a singer or a dancer when I was a little girl and was always singing and dancing (still do). I did lots of shows on stage which I loved and even got to do a dance show in Disney Land Paris! My all time favourite song is “Proud Mary” and when it comes on there is just no stopping me.

Mrs J White

Teaching Assistant

My interests: I love to spend my spare time with my 3 children. The two eldest are now in high school and my youngest currently attends Meadow and is very happy. I love to go and watch mine and my boys favourite team Manchester United. I have been a TA for just over a year, Meadow being my first job and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love to watch the children learn and grow and building special relationships with them all.

Fun fact: from the age of 5 I had a pony called “Zoe” together we won lots of gymkhanas, we were the best team and the best of friends