Dolphin Club

Kelly Carr


My interests: I’ve work in day nurseries and schools since I left school at 16 caring for children aged 0-18yrs. In 2007 I set the Dolphin club up.

I live with my 2 boys and my husband.

I love musicals and reading.

I’m a massive Disney fan and love anything Disney we go to Disneyland every Christmas.

Fun fact about me: As a family we have annual passes for Blackpool pleasure beach and Merlin passes so every weekend you will find me screaming with delight with my boys on a rollercoaster.

Kim Edwards

Deputy Manager

My interests: In my spare time I love to spend time with family and my fiancé going for walks! I also enjoy reading books and walking! I am also currently doing an open university course which keeps me busy.

Fun fact about me: I have 4 brothers and 2 sisters so I’m one of 7!!

Kath Brown


My Interests: I’ve been been blissfully married to my Husband for a long time, I have raised 4 beautiful children and 4 grandchildren.

I also have a Chihuahua called Mitch and we have a caravan that we often go away in.

I’m the eldest of 4 and I’m lucky enough to work with my sister Pat in Dolphin Club.

Fun fact about me:  My Daughter also works in club can you guess who she is?

Karyn Franklin


My interests: I have two children which both came to this school! I love to visit my mum in Doncaster and also I have a dog called Molly! 

Fun fact about me: I can count in Arabic 

Pat Wall


My interests: I have three children and five grandchildren. I love to go abroad on sunny holidays with my husband! 

Fun fact about me: I work with my big sister and niece! 

Sammie-Jo Robinson


My interest: I love to spend time with my family doing lots of fun stuff! 

I have two children, a girl and a boy who both go to Meadow. I have been a teaching assistant for 5 years and absolutely love it! 

I decided to be a teaching assistant after having my own children and taking them to lots of play groups, where I often helped out and we loved going.  It was so much fun and so lovely meeting lots of new people and their children. 

Fun fact about me : I always wanted to be a singer or a dancer when I was a little girl and was always singing and dancing (still do). I did lots of shows on stage which I loved and even got to do a dance show in Disney Land Paris! My all time favourite song is “Proud Mary” and when it comes on there is just no stopping me

Paula Hendry


My Interests: I love spending time with my family! I have a son and a daughter and a very lazy cat named Liquorice! 

My favourite hobby is eating, I enjoy cooking, trying out new recipes and secretly helping myself to my daughter's chocolate stash! 

To jazz up doing household chores, I like to have a good boogie and a sing-a-long to the current chart music and old throwback classics. 

Chill time is curling up on the sofa with a cuppa reading a good book.

A fun fact about me: When I was a child I attended dance classes, tap and ballet. Dancing in pantomimes, competitions and exams. Today I keep fit by doing Zumba to burn off all those chocolate calories!

Last year I did a zumbathon for charity so I hope to do more of these in the future.

My interest: I love to spend time with my family doing lots of fun stuff!

Anna  Brown


My Interests: I’ve worked with children for over 20 years. From working in nurseries to running kids clubs abroad for Thomas Cook. For the last 10 years I’ve been working at Meadow in Dolphin club and and as a 1-2-1 teaching assistant. 

I live with my Gramps, a chihuahua called Joey and 3 rescue chickens Betty, June and Pearl.

Fun fact about me: I’ve been white water rafting and swam with dolphins 

3 times. 

Contact Details

Contact number: 07807 311 489 

(available during Dolphin Club hours, please leave a message outside of hours and a member of staff will get back to you.)

Session Pricing

Breakfast Club

B - Breakfast Club 7:30 am - 8:45am  £ 5.50  (£6.00 from 01.09.24)

C - Breakfast Club 8:00 am - 8:45 am £ 3.45 (£3.80 from 01.09.24)

Afterschool Club

D - After School Club 3:20 pm - 5:15 pm £ 7.15 (£7.90 from 01.09.24)

E - After School Club 3:20 pm - 6:15 pm £ 10.25 (£11.30 from 01.09.24)

Holiday Club

N - Full Day 8:00 am - 6:00 pm £ 21.50 (£25.00 from 25.07.24)

P - School Day 9:00 am - 3:00 pm £ 13.00 (£15.00 from 25.07.24)

Dolphin Club Handbook

Dolphin Club Handbook Nov-19.doc.pdf

Dolphin Club Admission Criteria

Preschool Information.pdf