Year 5

Mr J Kelly

Teacher (Brazil)

My interests: Family and friends are very important to me and I spend lots of time with them, as well as my bright orange cat: Clyde. One of my favourite pastimes is playing football and I am also an avid Liverpool supporter. Apart from sport, I also love all types of music and love to visit new places around the world when I can. I’ve been a teacher for 6 years now and I particularly enjoy teaching English and reading the wide array of outstanding stories that the children in my class create. 

Mr D Hughes 

Teacher (Greece)

My interests: I enjoy playing any kind of sport but mainly hockey and football. I love spending time with my family and playing with my children. I’ve been a teacher for 2 years now and I love watching the children I work with develop and grow. 

A fun fact about me: In my younger days I once ate 31 slices of pizza at a Pizza Hut buffet in one sitting. (not something I am particularly proud of). 

Miss A Brown 

Teaching Assistant 

My Interests: I’ve worked with children for over 25 years. From working in nurseries to running kids clubs abroad for Thomas Cook. For the last 14 years I’ve been working at Meadow as a teaching assistant and a play worker at Dolphin club.

I live with my Gramps, a crazy chihuahua called Duggie and my last rescue chicken called Pearl.

Fun fact about me: I’ve been white water rafting and swam with dolphins 3 times.

Mrs K Stuffin

Teaching Assistant 

My interests: I love spending time with my three daughters. We love walking with our dog Princess the pug and snuggling with our two cats Callie and Willow. My real passion is anything arty but most of all I love interior design. My dream would be to dress show homes!

I’ve lived in Germany for a year and my favourite part was the Christmas markets. 

Fun fact about me: I love having funky hair and think I’ve had every colour of the rainbow, I've even had pink and purple dreadlocks. 

Mrs J Hawtin

Learning Mentor Lead 

My interests : I love spending time with my husband and my daughter. We enjoy the outdoors and love going on long walks with our german shorthaired pointer Arthur.

I enjoy cooking new recipes and have a collection of cookery books from around the world.

I love visiting and exploring new places, one of my favourite places I have travelled to is Rome.

I have worked as a teaching assistant/learning mentor for 23 years which I very much enjoy.

A fun fact about me: When I was young I entered  a competition in the Chester Chronicle newspaper, to my surprise, I won 48 packets of Hula Hoops.

Mrs L Sparks 

Teaching Assistant 

My interests: Over the years lots of my interests have come from following my children's sporting activities. My son has played football from a very young age and I have 100% been that football Mum on the sidelines shouting off side!! My daughter was a keen gymnast and dancer and I have spent years travelling around the country watching her compete in gym comps. So much of my life has been spent putting everything into my family and making special memories for us to treasure.

Now my children have become young adults I have found myself enjoying walks with my husband and up until recently eating out. I have a love for King Charles spaniels and love our dog Marni. 

As a young adult myself I used to love to keep fit. I was part of a running club and loved to play netball. I am planning to take up some of these interests again in the future.

A fun fact about me: My daughter and I made it on to TV in the audition section of Dance Mom's UK (I was not auditioning). We got to meet Jenifer Ellison and the rest of the crew.