
Our uniform can be purchased from Uniformity at 11 Rivington Road in Ellesmere Port.   It can also be purchased online at via their website and delivered to school for free: 

🔗 https://www.uniformityschools.com/collections/meadow-primary-school 

Our uniform consists of a school logo sweatshirt or cardigan (from Uniformity), grey trousers / shorts / skirts / pinafores, a white polo shirt and black school shoes (which can be purchased from any supermarket). 

Yellow checked dresses can be worn in the Summer Term and the first half of the Autumn term (can also be purchased in any supermarket). 

A yellow book bag will be given to every reception child at the new starter meeting in the Summer Term prior to starting. 

Branded book bags and PE bags are available at Uniformity. 


Additional Uniform Information

Pupils should not wear jewellery to school, particularly earrings due to safety reasons. If studs are to be worn, they must be removed before PE lessons, this includes plastic earrings. 
If parents are considering having their child’s ears pierced, please could you leave it until the summer holidays when there is time for the ears to heal before taking them out for PE.

Long hair should always be tied back, with hair adornments limited to a simple band, ribbon or clip.

We would also ask that nail varnish and transfer tattoos are removed for school.

PE kit

Our coloured PE T-shirts denote the team  (see below) your child will be placed on entry to our school.  They can be purchased from Uniformity. The rest of the PE kit includes black shorts/cycling shorts / leggings / tracksuit bottoms. Trainers or pumps can be worn for PE. 

Children should attend school on their PE days already dressed in their PE kits. As PE shorts in the winter are not practical we will be adding to our uniform list a pair of black jogging pants or leggings. These can be bought at any supermarket. 

Class newsletters will be sent out at the end of each term indicating the PE days for the following term but can also be found here 

Venus - Blue Saturn - Yellow Jupiter - Green Mars - Red