Social, Moral, Spiritual & Cultural Education
We use the term SMSC to incorporate the teaching of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health & Economic) education, RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) as well as the wider offer of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural education.
At Meadow, we take a broad and thorough approach to the delivery of PSHE (including RSE & Health) and SMSC. Individual PSHE lessons equating to 30 minutes per week, are introduced through an age appropriate picture book or the use of a short animated film.
We work in a thematic approach covering many areas, all of which have a focus on the equality act and the nine protected characteristics. Themes include: No Outsiders; Anti-bullying; Inspirational People; Britain and Diversity; British Values; Drugs & was Alcohol; Relationships and Sex Education; Knocking down Stereotypes; More in Common (Seeking Asylum); Global Goals for Sustainable Development; and Challenging Homophobia. we also have a comprehensive programme to teach about mental health and wellbeing.
We focus on questioning, philosophy and discussion in order to enable the children to explore the subject matters in depth within the time frames given. Children contribute to the creation of iMovies which evidence the richness of these sessions.
Alongside the separate PSHE lessons, we ensure that PSHE, Global and SMSC values are threaded throughout our curriculum e.g. Diversity within the Roman Empire; Use of sustainable palm oil to prevent deforestation of Rainforests; Giving multiple different images of the same place when learning about the wider world in geography; Writing for a real purpose (to make a change) within English.
By threading these humanity based concepts throughout all subjects, children are able to identify the links actions and consequences in a global context.
Assemblies are used as learning opportunities relating to SMSC themes and we provide a wide range of stand-alone opportunities throughout the school year that support this area of learning.
We record much of our learning using iMovie. Have a look at some of the learning that has been taking place.

SMSC & Personal Development
Learning within the areas of SMSC and Personal Development takes place across many areas of the school curriculum and school life in general. This document provides some detail about how we help pupils to develop positive attitudes and values and build strong character. Further details about specific areas can be found on curriculum subject pages.

No Outsiders
The 'No Outsiders' picture book approach forms part of our PSHE curriculum. Further information about this can be viewed in the attached parent guide.
Subject Leads
Sam Olubodun and Kerry Inglis
Intent, Implementation, Impact

Curriculum Overview of PSHE, RSE & Health and SMSC
PSHE Overview

Mental Health Overview

Tiered approach to Mental Health provision and support across the school community
Please see the attached document to understand the different ways in which Meadow supports positive mental wellbeing for our children, staff and parents.
Progression of Objectives

End Points PSHE/RSE
Online safety is covered within the computing curriculum

End Points Mental Health

Vocabulary Ladder

Vocabulary Ladder
Mental Health
National Curriculum Links

Citizenship Education
Citizenship education is embedded within our broader SMSC and PSHE offer

DFE Guidance


RSE Policy
Details about our provision in relation to Relationships and Sex Education.
British Values
British Values are taught throughout the curriculum at Meadow.
British Values and Meadow Values
Children talked about how British Values relate to school values.
Valuing our community
We have very strong links with Astbury Lodge residential home and like to visit the residents to learn from their experience and spend time with them.
Safety Central
Our Year 5 children visit Safety Central and take part in interactive activities to learn all about fire, road, electricity, travel, cyber, building site and water safety, accidents at home, bullying, five ways to well-being, healthy eating, the Countryside Code and first aid.
Passion for Learning Sports Festival
Meadow children had the opportunity to attend the Passion for Learning Sports Festival. They tried many different sports and skills and met with Chester FC players as well as Taekwondo Paralympic Gold medallist, Amy Truesdale! It was a fantastic day!

The Passion for Learning Sports Festival 2024
Have a look at the video to see what a fantastic day our children had at the sports festival
Children lead a whole school assembly and then sell poppies in remembrance of those who have fought and died in wars.
iMovie Gallery
Have a browse at some of the movies our learners have made whilst learning about Social, Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Health, Economic & Relationship issues.

Passion for Learning Careers' Carnival
Each year, some of our Year 5 children are able to join with Passion For Learning to experience a wide range of different and exciting careers and dip their toe into the world of work!

People who inspire us
Rosa Parks

Similarities and differences - Reception
You Choose

The Proudest Blue

First Aid Champions
Red Cross

Careers' Carnival!
Through our partnership with the amazing charity 'Passion for Learning', Meadow Pupils took part in an inspirational careers event at Chester Racecourse.

People who inspire us
Year 1 learned about Dr Xand and Dr Chris Tulleken

Inspirational People
Malala Yousafzai

Two Monsters
No Outsiders

No Outsiders
Drugs and Alcohol Education - Safe or Unsafe?
Be Yourself!
How can we help people to feel valued, just as they are?
The Whisperer
Year 6 learned about what discrimination is and how to stand up to it.

The Day the War Came
Reflections on a picture book and the Ukrainian conflict.

The Odd Egg
Embracing difference

Emmeline Pankhurst
Gender Equality

World's Largest Lesson
At Meadow, we all take part in the 'World's Largest Lesson' which examines the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Our children make their own pledges to contribute positively to their world.

Ellesmere Port Project
Children visited the residents of Astbury Lodge nursing home to find out more about their town.

Two Monsters

I Walk With Vanessa

People Who Inspire Us
David Attenborough

People Who Inspire Us
Rosa Parks

How to Heal a Broken Wing

The Invisible Boy

Britain & Diversity
Exploring the Windrush experience

Blue Chameleon

My World, Your World

Red: A crayon's Story

People Who Inspire Us
Malala Yousafzai

Citizenship Movie
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child

Year 3 First Aid
Role play
Additional Activities to Support Learning

Book overview
We update our areas of learning continuously, but this document will provide you with a taste of some of the texts we share with our learners.

Meadow Primary School took a lead in the 'Adrift' project which involved a network of primary schools, working together to breakdown stereotypes. Children examined the experiences of refugees and asylum seekers. They looked at reasons that people seek asylum, and discussed the labels that these people are given along their journey. They related the project to themes such as 'home', 'hope' and 'humanity'. All year groups created artwork relating to the project.

A message during Covid lockdowns

From garden to Foodbank
Children grew vegetables from seed in our garden. They then delivered these to the local food bank where they were made into a delicious soup which was served in the dining room.

Literacy inspired by plastic pollution

Literacy inspired by ocean pollution

Malala's Magic Pencil
Residential Visits
A chance to learn outdoors, problem solve, build bonds, form relationships, be independent, think critically, enrich experiences, develop social and emotional confidence, ignite passions and have FUN!

General Election 2019
Our youngest pupils explore democracy and voting in this General Election activity.

Inspirational People
Exploring the question 'Who inspires us?'

Greta Thunberg & Climate Change
How can we use our voices to make positive changes? What can we change to make a positive impact on our environment?