
Admissions Policy - The People's Learning Trust
Currently in draft and due to be ratified at the Trust meeting in March 2025
We adopt the CWAC admission procedures. If you would like to apply for a place at our school for a pupil in our upcoming EYFS/Reception Year, please apply online at
if you would like to apply for a place in our years 1 to 6 classes please apply online by completing an In-year Transfer. In year school transfers | Cheshire West and Chester Council
New Parent Tours
If you are looking for a reception class school place for September 2025, we offer group tours of the school, with the Headteacher. This is an opportunity to see the school in action.
Please contact the school office to make an appointment either by telephone (0151 203 1690) or email

Welcome to Meadow
Please click on the link to view our Introduction to Meadow video. This will help you and your child familiarise yourself with our staff and the school environment before starting school.