Teaching of Mathematics at Meadow
Subject Leads
Mrs Rachel Hounslow & Mrs Kerry Inglis
Intent, Implementation, Impact

Progression of Objectives

End Points
Reception - Year 6
End Points for each stage of learning
EYFS: Early Leaning Goals
The progression of the different mathematical concepts from Y1-Y6

Maths No Problem Schemes of Work

Progression of Vocabulary

Progression of Calculations
Continued Professional Development
At Meadow, we strive to continually review and develop our practice in Mathematics. We regularly consult the following, research based, provisions in order to ensure that we provide the highest quality mathematics teaching within our school. Press on the buttons to go to the sites.
National Curriculum Links

Parent Workshop

Additional Activities to Support Learning
At Meadow, we provide our pupils with a range of additional tools to support the learning of maths outside of formal curriculum lessons.
Times Table Rock Stars
This supports the learning of multiplication tables and encourages quick recall.
My Maths
This interactive platform teaches children about a variety of concepts and provides immediate feedback when used.
1st Class @ Number
This is used as a support intervention within school to provide structured opportunities to fill gaps in learning.