Meadow Primary School
Our Vision
“Inspiring a love of learning”
Core Values (Rules)
Ready, Respectful, Safe
We have a consistent approach to Teaching and Learning which gives opportunities to 'connect' to prior learning, 'activate and explore' existing knowledge and unfamiliar content, 'explain' new concepts, 'practise and apply' new learning and 'review' continually throughout the process.
Meadow Primary School
Meadow Primary School is a large primary school in the Great Sutton area of Ellesmere Port, which opened in January 1993, following the amalgamation of the Infant and Junior Schools. It caters for children aged 4-11 and benefits from a popular onsite before and after school club which also operates during the school holidays.
‘Getting the culture right is pivotal. With the right culture, the strategies that are used become less important. The culture is set by the way that the adults behave.’ Paul Dix
Ready, Respectful, Safe
Meadow Primary School is committed to creating an environment where exemplary behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to maintain the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. In order to ensure that all members of our school community feel secure at Meadow, we commit to employing a trauma informed approach to all interactions.
We want to create an environment that is safe, where everyone feels respected and where everyone is ready to engage in learning.
Headteacher's Welcome
May I take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to Meadow Primary School.
The staff, governors, parents and pupils are extremely proud of our school and the way that everyone works together to make it a happy place to work and learn. We believe that education should be an exciting journey and our aim is that every child leaves our school with a love of learning that will remain with them throughout their lives.
We constantly strive to give the children the best possible education by providing high quality teaching and learning, outstanding care and support through an excellent child-centred curriculum
This website is intended to help you familiarise yourself with the values and routines of school life, but a visit to the school gives you the opportunity to see these in action. I encourage you to make an appointment and come and see and feel for yourself the nurturing and inspirational ethos we have developed.
Mrs Sarah Curtis
Parking and Traffic Around School
Please keep our children safe by reading and adhering to the information below.
We operate a voluntary one way system clockwise around Dolphin Crescent at the beginning and end of the school day.
Please be mindful of residents and avoid parking across driveways.
Ensure Dolphin Crescent is a safe environment for children by not parking on double yellow lines, on the corners or on the zig zags.
Thank you

Parents Safer Parking Charter

Active School Travel Routes
School Information for New starters

Welcome to Meadow Reception Class
New Parent Visits
If you are looking for a reception class school place for September 2025, we offer group tours of the school, with the Headteacher. This is an opportunity to see the school in action.
Please contact the school office to make an appointment either by telephone (0151 203 1690) or email
In year Admissions
If you are looking for a current place in our school please complete the admissions form via the Cheshire West and Chester Council website below.
Cheshire West and Chester Admissions Page
You can contact the school office to check current vacancies and to arrange a visit.
School Events - Gallery
Easter Egg Competition 2024
Santa Dash - 2023
Raising funds for Stick n Step, a charity for children with Celebral Palsy.
Easter Egg Competition 2023
Reception Winner
Evie - No Poaching
Reception Runner Up
Alex - Eggy the eggtraterrestrial alien
Year 1 Winner
Maisie - Egg Spectant
Year 1 Runner Up
Teddy - Alpha blocks
Year 2 Winner
Ethan - Inseggs and bug hotel
Year 2 Runner Up
Sophie - Eggz-allent breggfast
Year 3 Winner
Luna - Lets egg-splore space
Year 3 Runner Up
The Coronation of King Eggy III
Year 4 Winner
Gracie - Galaxy Eggplosion
Year 4 Runner Up
Noritah - Dalegg Invasion
Year 5 Winner
Jake - Eggercising
Year 6 Winner
Amy - Eggcellent Knit and Knatter
Year 6 Runner Up
Jack - Zommbie Apocegglyse
Countess of Chester - Duck Race competition 2023 Winner
Amy from Year 4 is our winner this year with her King Charles duck to celebrate the coronation. The duck will be painted in her design and will then take part in the duck race on 1st April on the River Dee in Chester.
Runners Up
Florence - Year 3
The Vivienne Duck
Charlie - Reception
Harry Potter
Eleanor - Year 2
Polly the Peace Duck
Billy - Year 2
James Pond
Sophie - Year 6
Albus Dumbleduck
Jack - Year 6
Dapper Duck
Harvest deliveries to our local community 2022
Thank you for all the generous donations, we have been able to provide our local community with food hampers as well as contributing a large donation of food to our local foodbank.

Race For Life 2022
Thanks to everyone's amazing generosity, we raised an incredible amount for Cancer Research from this year's Race For Life. It was fantastic to see everyone having so much fun for such a worthwhile cause.
Easter Egg Competition 2022
Egg Sheeran and NHeggs concert by Isla
Eggxotic bugs by Connie
The Meadow Gymnasium by Olive
Year 1
Terri-fried by Evelyn
Egg-cellent ice cream by Alyssa
Eggyhead stadium by Ethan
Year 2
The Eggly Five by Luke
Faberge Egg by Millie
Splatman and Yolker by Alex
Year 3
Neil Egg-Strong by Leighton
Polar Eggsplorer by Ioan
Egg-citing Egypt by Matilda
Year 4
Burwardsley Egg-venture by Rebecca
Egg-lizabeth by Isaac
Fri-day by Joe
Year 5
Egg-questrian by Jessica
Millievillie by Millie
Crack the case by Oliver
Year 6
Egg-plorer by Jack
World Book Day 2022
On Thursday 3rd March, Meadow had a day of activities to celebrate World Book Day. We had a wonderful assembly from local author Susanne T Schroder, logged onto live streams with Michael Rosen, Liz Pichon and Emma Carroll, and had a school wide book swap. One of the activities that children enjoyed most was buddied reads with different classes across the infant and junior school.
We also bought to a close our Readathon sponsored read, with the children in school raising £1100!
Reading for Pleasure
A big thank you to all our parents who came to our Book Fair in October. We sold a total of £1400 worth of books which means we had £840 to spend on books for school. Because of this, every child was able choose some books that they wanted to see in school. Each class then had the opportunity to open some wonderful new books as 'gifts' which are now kept in classrooms as class readers.

Reception 2020-2021 Memories
As our Reception children move on, ready for year 1, we celebrate their first year at Meadow with this video.

Litter Message
Some of our Year 6 children have created a video to deal with the problems of litter on our school grounds following break times. Every class has watched the video and new bins have been installed in all the play areas. We are seeing a positive impact from their message. Thank you girls.

Lockdown 3 Key Worker afternoon activities

Reading Challenge
Thank you to everyone who sent in pictures for our reading challenge. It is lovely to see everyone enjoying reading so much. See who you can spot in this movie!

World Book Day 2021
All the teachers, teaching assistants and senior leadership team have chosen their favourite books from their own times in primary school. Try to guess which teacher's favourite book it is before their one sentence review comes up! I wonder how many of the books you have read, and if there are any that you would now like to read from the review!

Stoke Association Thank you Movie
In December our children raised £2331.60 for the Stroke Association by taking part in a Santa Dash.

Christmas 2020 Movie
Enjoy our sign language carols. We wish everyone a very happy and healthy Christmas!

The Kindness Calendar
From the British Red Cross
Ofsted Report - May 2015
Contact the school
School opening hours - Monday - Friday 8.50am - 3.20pm
School Business Manager - Mrs Rachel Andrews
Office Admin Staff - Mrs Suzanne Watson & Mrs Jo McKenna
Dolphin Crescent
Great Sutton
Ellesmere Port
CH66 4SZ
0151 203 1690